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How much can diet lower cholesterol - how much can fare debased sterol

20-12-2016 à 00:14:03
How much can diet lower cholesterol
Regardless of your weight loss, you are now exposing your body to much more than you are bargaining for. So high protein low carb diets heavily promote Cancer, what else. Greger, and I found your question interesting, and one that many other people may benefit from knowing more about. Holven, S. You are consuming quite the unhealthful duet for a variety of reasons. com testing several times a year and all my labs are outstanding, not to mention everybody tells me I look 10-20 years younger for my age. Garvin, J. com and InsideTracker. I invite you to participate in that process if you are interested and can do so following the rules. Only 1 old study done to supposedly support heart disease. I drink Harmlest Harvest 100% raw coconut water after a workout (ice hockey) as a substitute for Gatorade. I feel great and my labs prove that high-fat animal product diet works miracles. To me this is not at all significant, and it could very well be attributed to the loss of calories as well as the exercise, not the oil. Voon, T. M. The diuretic effect of low carb diets can result in people losing a gallon of water in pounds the first week. Coconut flakes in moderation appear alright, probably due to the fiber in that. Sam Simon was vegan since his teens and yet he developed cancer just the same. Cancer is a disease primarily caused by diet. Agric. Unless and until it becomes against the rules to say so politely, I will continue to comment similarly. diet may be one factor in this healthy trend, CDC researchers say. This precipitous early weight loss encourages dieters to continue the diet even though they have lost mostly water weight. He has published almost a 100 papers in peer-reviewed academia in the last decade. Kidney failure is irreversible and the only way to manage it is through kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation. Liau, Y. I am in the preliminary process of conducting my own study using paleo nutrition to the T vs very low fat plant based nutrition, head to head. Plants have no mobility and rely on recruiting animals for propagation, e. We cannot know what your young siblings passed from according to your post to attempt to link their deaths to meat or anything else. Both meals will be organic and the paleo meal will contain non starchy vegetables just like they advocate. There are over 100 studies showing that smoking is either neutral or beneficial for health. E. Nikolay: I can totally sympathize with you and understand why you think the way you do. Eliminating trans fats from the U. Then ask yourself, where is the missing data. Greger tells us about pro-animal studies when he thinks they are valid and relevant. Vogel, L. In fact, I was a vegetarian for 27 years, eating a mostly macrobiotic diet. Dairy is a heavy promoter of insulin like growth factor in adults. Most importantly at all, it is one of the biggest epidemics on the planet and one of the absolute biggest causes for mass deforestation. There were 5 of us, close and close in age. It has never been proven that a whole plant based diet will prevent CVD. The egg industry has claimed that cholesterol from eggs is not important and does not raise cholesterol levels. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. A. Elevated IGF-1 does more harm than good in adults, it heavily promotes tumor growth in breast, prostate, lung, and colon cells and accelerates the aging process. Video: Cancer Takes a Toll on a Small Town. W. Sellers of coconut oil use a beef industry tactic to downplay the risks associated with the saturated fat in their products. Pastured ruminant animals reverse desertification by fixing CO2 back into the grass. Skeaff. The biggest bias comes from these vegan charlatans who perpetuate this low fat bunk. Greger does not ignore those studies. Eggs are considered good sources of lutein and omega 3 and an excellent source of protein. Not to mention the endless number of bacteria you eat as well. I am going to present the real science behind eggs showing that this is false. Pay specific attention to where he discusses funnel plots around the 9:30 timestamp. Yes, another junk food when it is separated from the source. Ganmaa et al. Since the paleolithic diet includes A LOT of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, the risk for heart disease has increased by a lot. Nikolay: We allow passionate arguments, but not name calling. I may have to leave it in my triple coconut cookies. org account or with one of the accepted social media logins. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24. Furthermore it is not scientific fact that we are omnivores, nor is it best for our health. To a few grains from the land is not unhealthy but to eat daily a dish full of grain manipulated to bread of pasta or even cooked rice or any other grains is simply not meant to be eaten. Herzig, M. People on high meat diets can lose so much calcium in the urine which solidifies to form kidney stones. Like i mentioned, none of that matters, as homogenized milk, raw milk, and organic homogenized milk all contain xenoestrogens, same with the other foods mentioned, conventional vs organic makes no difference, these are inherent compounds. This is all more Vegan propaganda designed to scare people. They use it in almost everything with NO SIDE EFFECTS. Food. I ate healthy food, not junk food as a vegetarian but not enough fat, too many carbs and too much tofu and grains. The only vitamin present in a tablespoon of coconut oil is. While heavily processed foods appear cheaper (and sometimes are), many of the cheapest foods in the world (grains like oats and rice and legumes like beans and lentils) are plant foods. L. Greger donates all of his time to this site, not making a penny, (and he donates the money from book profits and speaking engagements, etc), computers and multiple staff are needed to keep the site going. The claim of cherry picking is just factually incorrect. C. NCBI was started by the government and uses government data bases. Michael Richards from the Maxx Planck Institute for Evolutionary Archeology is an expert in ancient diets. The byproduct of this inefficient process are toxic substances known as ketones, hence the name ketosis. K. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. So really, there is not only no need for humans to consume animals, but there are a plethora of health concerns that come along with consuming animals. Its evidence such as this that I am unconvinced calcium should be from cows milk. Nesaretnam. A male needs around 1. As soon as you eat one egg, you expose your body to several hours worth of oxidative stress, inflammation of ones arteries, endothelieum impairment (what keeps you blood running smoothly) and increases the susceptibility of LDL cholesterol to oxidize (beginning stages of heart disease). Please share evidence that long chain saturated fats are negligible in terms of LDL cholesterol levels. Asprin: The Wonder Drug in Your Medicine Cabinet. For these reasons, they are considered health foods. But in general, the information here is high quality and as representative of the actual nutritional science as you will be able to find anywhere. We have an abundance of evidence concluding that long chain saturated fats are harmful so we cannot consider this oil a healthy option based on that alone. The same people who encourage you to go on a low fat diet. If you scour the data and you only present half of what you find, that is the very definition of cherry-picking. coli O145 Ban Opposed by Meat Industry. Chen, A. In addition to all this, there are endotoxins, elevated IGF-1, and other compounds that will help to cause chronic illnesses and are all inherent of animal products. But obviously healthy fats and lower intake of omega-6. They pay others to till their land and do not exercise as much. There are millions of acres of grassland that are not used and cannot be used for crop cultivation. J. Vegans are eating living organisms alive as well (in fact, a much higher number of organisms, not to mention deforestation and the prevalence of monocultures). The state of ketosis is commonly seen with people in starvation or with severe illness. If cholesterol was the cause of arteriosclerotic plaques, we could cause this in vegetarian lab animals by feeding them cholesterol. When people come here, we want to know what the body of evidence tells us. Good video and I agree that coconut oil like all oils should be used sparingly in the diet. But quite frankly for some the Paleo approach may be more palatable, for others vegan. A high animal protein meal will inhibit proper endothelial function for 6 hours until they heal and regenerate. 7 grams of water. Even independent of the effects on obesity, meat consumption itself has been related to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. That will explain why my response to you is valid if you are interested. The number one recommendation of the American Cancer Society. It has twice as much of the palmitic and myristic—which they just admitted does raise cholesterol. It is difficult to know exactly how the earliest humans ate contrary to the plethora of paleo blogs, but evidence does suggest that the earliest humans relied on whatever plants were available region to region and probably consumed insects. Greger consider all the studies in his analysis of the science and weed out those studies which are invalid or for the purposes of this site, do not fit the body of evidence. When people eat too much of this meat protein, sulfuric acid forms within our bodies which must somehow be neutralized to maintain proper internal pH balance. Well this can be attributed to your weight loss as not only does the state of ketosis inhibit hunger pangs (essentially making you eat less calories. The average body stores 300 grams of glycogen. about 8 grams of this is medium chain saturated fat and about 3. Makes a great pie crust though I also try to use pie sparingly in my diet. The grasslands of north america are unrecognizable specifically because of large scale animal grazing, and doing so prevents other wild ruminants from getting their dietary needs. I hope that you and your family continue with the diets that you feel suit you best and that they continue to do so. Ng, V. Greger go over every study in his presentation of results to us as the general public. I believe I have shared the smoking analogy with you already. 6 grams of omega 3 per day, a female needs around 1. Now, that was all the science we had for ten years. Greger, the site Plant Positive refers back to actual studies and historical document. Granlund, K. It is -this- what should give people pause about coming here. As long as you eat whole plant foods when your hungry till your full, then your getting enough protein. As far as minerals and vitamins go, there is not one significant vitamin or mineral in coconut oil. Greger does not ignore any evidence. Forth, even people who eat animal products eat fruits and veggies and spend time in the sun. I fully concur with the view that meat was a regular and important component of early hominid diet. In the only study done in people in the last 17 years, Malaysian. H. All animals feel and avoid pain and injury. W. One way our bodies can buffer the sulphuric acid load caused by meat is with calcium borrowed from our bones. L. Go out and buy some critical thinking skills Ori. Kuzawa, L. A plant-based diet can allow for quite a bit of fat. The propaganda is from the multibillion dollar animal agriculture industries, not volunteer doctors and vegans. Fats are amazing for our overall health and our skin. Greger takes them into account and spends some time explaining why the bad data is bad data. I know you can find all sorts of quotes about people who claim that Dr. When my oldest brother left home, he became totally vegan, and now over 30 years later — he looks like Adonis, as well as being super fit — fast and athletic. 4 to 4. Dr. As long as the site is considering all the evidence, presenting the largely anti-smoking science is perfectly valid. investigated the incidence and mortality of. Even the Statin drug makers have conceded this fact. So, you have been lied to about that too. I eat my own grass-fed chicken eggs, coconut oil, nuts, seeds and butters, some meat, avocados, olive oil along with lots and lots of greens and some fruit, including raw. 1 grams a day. Costantini. Vegans have the same mortality rates as omnis. The fact that eggs are the top source of arachadonic acid nulls and voids benefits received from the omega 3 in the egg itself. Unlike those evil saturated fats, palmitic, myristic, and lauric acids, which do increase blood cholesterol levels. Omega 6 processes down to arachadonic acid which is highly inflammatory. Lee, K. Maybe you would appreciate watching these 4part vids and why Ancel Keys is absolutely no charlatan. Please consider volunteering to help out on the site. These cells are responsible for clearing up plaque and dilating our vessels. And Dr. For this, the archaeological and taphonomic evidence is compelling. High intake of arachadonic acid is linked to autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, as well as a clear link with cancer development. E. The concern with dairy and hormone dependent cancer is something to think about as well. Chisholm, M. Studies at Harvard and elsewhere involving tens of thousands of women and men have shown that regular meat consumption may increase colon cancer risk. Here are the two saffron videos I referenced. Kidney scarring results in heavily decreased kidney function eventually leading to kidney failure. S. Maybe I should switch back to almond milk. One of the studies that showed unfavorable results that was funded by the dairy industry showed some shocking outcomes. Effects of dietary coconut oil, butter and safflower oil on plasma lipids, lipoproteins and lathosterol levels. Greger has. Makinen, B. Lets look at the paleo diet (which is basically a fancy atkins diet). As for the definition of cherry picking, giving the words and understanding what they mean and how they apply in practice are two very different things. Page Refresh High Triglycerides Get tips tailored for you. During this time, though, they were all forced to lose weight by being placed on a calorie-restricted diet. The spice may also help with PMS ( Saffron for the Treatment of PMS ) and depression ( Saffron vs. I am not interested in your anecdotes about vegans or vegetarians getting cancer, and I encourage you to have an open mind and explore this site as the issues you have difficulty with such as cholesterol and diet are explained in many videos through out this site with countless studies to back them up. Feranil, P. More calories does not equal weight loss, and less calories does not equal weight gain. These first few will discuss specifically calcium from cows milk and slowly evolve to showing the harms that arise from dairy consumption. Obesity and diabetes pandemic coincides with the shift from animal fats and traditional diets to plant ones, because those are cheaper, not healthier calories. Telle-Hansen, T. Type A which is large and buoyant and type B which is small and dense. Where is this abundance of evidence concluding that long chain saturated fats are harmful. about 8 grams of this is medium chain saturated fat and about 3. The body also resorts to using its glycogen stores of glucose. As Dr. Among the objectives of the Foundation is the funding of research into the role of health and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease and to ensure that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Considering how we evolved, I would be afraid to completely remove meat from my diet. Br. I pointed out two examples in my post above. A tablespoon of coconut oil has about 12 grams of total saturated fat. The fats that are bad are transfats, too much omega-6 relative to omega-3s, too many PUFAs. So coconut oil is actually MARKETED TO VEGANS. Coconut oil has been used for so many years in India. Greger is cherry picking, then this site is not for you. Serum Cholesterol levels have nothing to do with CVD. The Truth About Cholesterol How much do you know. Along with countless other endangered species, all for the production of palm oil. The viewers of this site are only interested in finding the truth. Anyhow on to the fat as energy thing he has been writing about lately. My aunt always said it was because we ate far too much meat — and it would make my dad furious to be told that. It has already been proven that a purely plant based diet can reverse heart disease and that animal products promote the progression of atherosclerosis. real food is the key. For the rest of us, we feel that we are getting some pretty darn good (and complete enough) information. Though I absolutely love coconut oil I think I will reduce consumption. Its interesting how so many find the paleo diet so appealing. Just by replacing organic whole-grain bread and oatmeal in my diet with eggs, meat, cheese, and brisling sardines, I lost 15 lbs after I actually have increased my caloric intake as I now eat tons of raw almonds and avocados to alkalize, too. Also, please note that it is not appropriate to spread untruths about this site. Since protein is not stored in your body but is excreted out through urine, kidney scarring is a very realistic threat to one on this diet. They now say the key factors for CVD are inflammation, C-reactive protein and triglycerides. We have an abundance of evidence concluding that long chain saturated fats are harmful so we cannot consider this oil a healthy option based on that alone. L. 2012 NA(NA):NA. Furthermore there is ZERO evidence that increasing consumption of animal products is healthful, where as increasing whole plant foods consumption is, and has been shown in thousands of studies. A single egg yolk contains approximately 215 to 275 mg of cholesterol. Coconut Oil Enhances Tomato Carotenoid Tissue Accumulation Compared to Safflower Oil in the Mongolian Gerbil ( Meriones unguiculatus ). Thanks for the wealth of resources, I will read later and respond when I get home, but I want to ask how many of those studies were made using unadulterated dairy, meats, and coconut oil. When one is consuming carbohydrates, fat can be broken down as well but it is not the same as ketosis, as fat is now burned as the primary fuel source and is burned inefficiently. K. If you are following the diet strictly, you should be in a state of ketosis. 2011. Plants and single cell organisms are not sentient. The number one recommendation of the National Cancer Institute, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Chem. Specifically recent scientific evidence about PUFAs, MUFAs, and STAs just for starters. Milk is used to promote growth, so how is this natural as human adults to be consuming milk, let alone another species of animals milk. So, Dr. Yes, it made bad cholesterol go up—but not as bad as butter. The link you provided is from a government website in which Dr. I find it interesting that modern society believes that the human species is dependent on the milk of another animal species.

The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that high animal protein intake is also largely responsible for the high prevalence of kidney stones in the United States. In fact the American Cancer Society has officially condemned diets high in animal products. It is true that some parts of India cook in coconut oil, but I am informed from good source that the tradition of using coconut oil was because that was common and available in their land, and since they toiled and worked in their land, they were healthy. We know this from multiple sources, including the videos on this site. After three months, both groups had lost the same amount of weight, about two pounds. I have also read that Lauric acid may have many beneficial properties. People died of other illnesses other than CVD. Ketosis does not allow your brain to make good use of serotonin (what makes you happy). Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting abdominal obesity. Here was this guy on the insert of his book looking like a fit running professor and he becomes fat and unhealthy and joins the paleo group. In fact that was their current recommendation to the very politically biased USDA for the recent dietary recommendations. Orangutans will be extinct within the next few years and sumatran tigers in less than that. Sleep Loss Tied to Changes in Gut Bacteria. Type B is caused by oxidized lipids and can become lodged in the endothelium whereas type A is not. The amount of saturated fat in our diet in the form of meat, eggs and dairy has decreased and yet CVD and cancer have increased since then. My surviving brother was not deathly ill, but had hay fever, asthma and a heart murmur. S. Keep in mind, everything discussed here has to do with inherent compounds found in meat, and none of thee compounds change when one switches from conventional to grass fed. Greger has explained on this site. Lets look at eggs now, keep in mind, these are inherent compounds that cannot be separated simply by eating organic. It is impossible to prove that cholesterol or saturated fat CAUSES heart disease, just like we cannot prove that smoking CAUSES lung cancer. H. Over time, excessive damage does not allow our cells to heal back until we change our diet to a purely plant based diet. So all we had was pure naturally organic and grass-fed beef, pork, totally free range chickens. From people who have been helped just like you. It should give people pause about going to that blog. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2011 20(2):190 - 195. D. A spoonful of spinach has as much lutein as 9 eggs. The entire tone of NitritionFacts is one that suggests there is no quality data supporting animal products even though there is a significant amount that does. The concern with bone health arises from the fact that muscle protein has a high sulphur content. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. It will be the first study of its kind to do this, and be true to both diets. Coconut oil is also absent of omega 3 so we would be consuming a product that is 91% saturated fat. An open-label pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of virgin coconut oil in reducing visceral adiposity. The only sponsors of this site are viewers like you and I. People may be peeing their bones into the toilet along with the ketones. Plant positive brings to light the science of ketogenic diets and its associated harms in much more detail than I can provide for you here. E. I grew up on a remote cattle ranch and my dad was very much against the use of any kind of pesticide or growth additive, either in the animals or hay crops. Regarding Omega 3, current levels of omega 3 in eggs are highly inadequate and one must consume around 30 eggs to reach an acceptable level of omega 3 for the day. 7 grams. Now those same people have a different lifestyle. Branching outside of this coconut oil video would also be beneficial, as Dr. In addition, coconut oil manufacturers constantly point a finger to the medium chain saturated fatty acids being used for energy expenditure and therefore not being disposed of as fat in adipose tissue. Insofar as oxidized lipids are a culprit in atherosclerosis, coconut oil lacks the antioxidant protection of vitamin E which comes with many other oils, so using it for daily cooking seems unwise. Though when tested in a better designed study (you know, a randomized, crossover trial), coconut oil did significantly worsen bad cholesterol. making nutritious and tasty seeds and other parts to entice a ride. Omega 3 processes to EPA which is also processed to DHA, which is highly anti inflammatory. And get updated on latest scientific evidence that plants have feelings and a form of a nervous system. Furthermore, in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, David Spence, David Jenkins (the inventor of the glycemic index) and Jean Davignon (director of atherosclerosis research group) posted a review on eggs claiming that the egg industry has been downplaying the health risks of eggs through misleading advertisements. G. The end. Y. Honestly, if you come out, you will be more successful and more successful, because now you look like and people talk to you about as a brainwashing site, which main goal is to spread deceit and save the unborn chicks from infertile eggs and starving calves due to their milk being stolen from the nasty omnivores. Sadly 3 of my siblings died young as teenagers from illnesses of unknown origin. I would bet that all the processed crap cardboard food we buy is ruining our health. Colon Cancer on the Rise Among Young Adults. What this means is that your body does not run on insulin but uses fat as fuel. ) might be alright for the same reason, inclusion of plant fiber. With each gram of glycogen is stored 2. S. A study that utilizes subjects that eat corn-fed animals or any of the staples of the Western diet already has confounding variables. Of course, life is too complicated and all studies have enough flaws that you will be able to find studies which support just about anything. That costs real money and it is all done with donations from viewers like you. If Dr. Not this crap being called food that most people eat. One egg far exceeds this daily upper limit. Olive oil here in the med is another tricky thing to study, for that very reason. Your body does its best to rid itself of these ketones through the lungs (why strict paleolithic dieters have rotten apple breath) and through urine. U. I know of at least 3 vegetarian women who got breast cancer too. Thai diets for example are rich in greens and fruit and whole foods. Moran, J. Your info is out of date and merely reflects your biased vegan opinions. Erdman Jr. I bet you have not really researched it to any depth and if you have you are biased like Gary Taubes is. Greger is presenting us with information about the body of evidence. It all started because he ended up overweight and with heart disease. Rabbits are the animals most commonly used in cholesterol experiments. Because, for example, ultra-pasteurized and homogenized milk from inhumanely raised in dirt and misery, grain-fed animals, injected or fed with antibiotics and hormones, is not what I or any sane person would recommend. 7 grams of this is long chain saturated fat. Greger has some very thorough and compelling videos with many relevant studies regarding this topic. The paleolithic diet severely restricts simple and complex. Greger has never done any nutrition research either. Interestingly this is the only lifestyle I have ever seen in my ten years of practice reverse cardiovascular disease, which diabetes is a subgroup, or any other chronic disease consistently. Lund, K. B. Barr, F. J. J. Why should I feel guilty about anal raping your mom. The video tagged below is a good starting point and cleans up the mess between what you might see in blogs vs the non-misconstrued data. The vegetable part is good, but the high meat and rejection of carbohydrates is based on pseudoscience. J. Until they advanced and developed weapons, this would have been impossible. You can always apply it topically as a moisturizer. High meat diets heavily promote the insulin like growth factor hormone. 5% lower total mortality. There are inherent compounds in these foods that you cannot separate simply by eating organic. From the editor in chief of the American Journal of Cardiology. That blog you quoted from is very sad and very incorrect. Not to mention that any type of animal agriculture is highly unsustainable and detrimental to the planet. Personally for me a whole-food-plant-based diet (vegan if you wish) seems to work well, but it has taken basic calorie restriction to lose serious weight. But actually, Ancel Keys did some really great, well-balanced science. It is also factually incorrect for someone to claim that Dr. Conlon, R. My HDLs went up and my LDLs and triglycerides went down when I stopped eating the carbs and starting eating healthy fats. The fat from animal foods damages our endothelial cells, lining our blood vessels. I have started noticing more coconut oil at the grocery store and have heard it is better for you that a lot of other oils. What was that thing I said about saturated animal fat and endotoxins. Eggs are not considered health promoting nutritionally speaking. He has this running book I have loved though the years. Think my water-in-Coke joke was too over the top. Rasool. Correct, grains as we eat them are not real food:-). I do WellnessFX. M. We had a 2 acre garden that required a lot of work to keep kids busy and we had our own orchard. But, four new studies have recently come out—a population study, and three clinical studies. Ulven. No one on this thread is suggesting an all meat diet is healthy, no matter how the animals are treated. The people of India, Philippines and Thailand use coconut oil exclusively to eat and cook with and there was never any history of CVD until modern industrial seed oils were adopted. We cannot really consider eggs an appropriate source of this nutrient. Additionally, recent study results demonstrated that a 1-y delay in menarche was associated with a 2. M. Greger point out positive aspects of fermented dairy if he had a vegan agenda. Effect of the fat composition of a single high-fat meal on inflammatory markers in healthy young women. P. Just because both HDL and LDL go up, does not mean coconut oil is heart protective. Moderate amounts of Daiya vegan cheese (made with coconut oil, palm oil, etc. For example, a meta-analysis of 26 epidemiological studies reported a 9% risk reduction for breast cancer with every additional year at menarche. Narverud, V. Greger presented all of the data and explained why he disagrees, that would be different. Just because Both bad cholesterol and good cholesterol went up does not mean that coconut oil is protective against heart disease and it does not at all mean its healthy. Yeah, it can be a good alternative on occasion, for things like pie crust, like you said, since it is more heat stable than other oils. W. Prozac ). Thus few today doubt that early hominids ate meat, and most would agree that they probably consumed far more meat than did their primate forebears. T. Jones, L. In fact, in many parts of the world where poverty is prevalent, these people cannot afford many animal foods and rely heavily on plant-based sources for food. Just looking at coconut oils nutritional profile we see that it is clearly a junk food. These are all epidemiological studies which do not prove anything. I believe in trusting in nature (trusting in plants) because honestly, science has yet to discover every magnificent and intricate aspect of plant foods and probably never quite will. Regarding my diet being healthy or not, my lab results can speak for themselves. This is why heart disease is so prevalent in America, its the high fat intake from animal products. Only meat industry trolls thrive on red meat and enjoy raping, abusing, enslaving, torturing and murdering others. Looking at specifics, coconut oil has only 3 studies that supposedly support its use, but when the studies are examined in detail, we see that the evidence for its use is actually quite weak. The above 3 studies are the only studies to date that support coconut oil use, and as you can see, they are quite insufficient. This is actually why dairy tends to be harmful for the bones. A tablespoon of coconut oil has about 12 grams of total saturated fat. We even made our own butter and milked our own cows, and made cottage cheese. The average cholesterol of the patients who were hospitalized for heart issues in this study were at 170. B. Correlations studies from the past are being proven wrong. The symptoms of ketosis include general tiredness, abrupt or gradually increasing weakness, dizziness, headaches, confusion, abdominal pain, irritability, nausea and vomiting, sleep problems and bad breath. Toxins, most of the studies that you cite are from Government agencies that have adopted the low fat mantra being spewed from their corporate sponsors. So the subjects will come in and have one meal or the other and you will test endothelial function. 1 micrograms of vitamin k which does not even register as a percentage of daily value. I have read that while coconut oil may raise LDL it also raises HDL significantly. Not to mention wild horses being routinely massacred by helicopter shootings due to said animal agriculture. If they have other interests as well, those other interests are mostly satisfied on other sites. And why murder someone who wants to live when there is zero need for it, plus it harms us anyway. Can we get over this scientific fact at last. 2011 106(12):1826 - 1835. Lee, C. HOW NOT TO DIE: New York Times Best Seller. Nutr. My total cholesterol was dangerously low at 118. Dr. Watch what they do, not what they say, right. Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of ancient bones is NOT a myth. Plant protein does not seem to have a harmful effect. This spike in IGF-1 is the most likely source of positive bone growth in the studies showing favorable outcomes of dairy on bones, not necessarily the calcium. Placebo and coconut fat takers scored no different on a cognitive impairment test when the subjects were randomized. The only store bought item we consumed regularly was Quaker Old Fashioned rolled oats, but mostly our diets were anything beef — including sweetbreads and scrambled brains with eggs. So of course, you will be able to find studies which support pro-animal consumption. The Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation. If the saturated fat from coconut was causing damage, its quite possible that other magical things in their diets were negating it. K. You hear the same thing from the beef people. Wow Bert, you have no business spreading your insane lies. Also Medicare, the largest insurer of the US allows for the The Ornish Spectrum lifestyle and the Pritikin Lifestyle to reverse our number one killer cardiovascular disease. The government agencies like the CDC are in lock step with whoever gives them the most money. Only 1 poorly concluded study with very mixed results on Alzheimers. T. Milk is considered to be a rich source of estrogens. Forty obese women cut their food intake by 200 calories a day and exercised four days a week. And, their bad cholesterol went up a bit, but not significantly. K. g. Energy needs satisfy energy expenditures which is equivalent to protein needs. Coconut oil manufacturers constantly point a finger to the medium chain saturated fatty acids being used for energy expenditure and therefore not being disposed of as fat in adipose tissue. This logic is right up there with shooting wolves to prevent them attacking livestock herds, because the natural balance has been disturbed so much and human population has intruded on their territory so much that they basically have no choice. Time and time again, people from other cultures have been seen to decline in health when moving to the western world and adopting a westernized diet. Big Pharma is who is giving them the money for these studies and they are all biased in the low fat mantra. When they are forced to eat cholesterol, their serum cholesterol rises 10 to 20 times higher than the highest ever seen in humans. One theory he threw out there was that the brain was what limited us at max exhurstion not our heart. This hormone accelerates aging and heavily promotes tumor growth. Duazo, C. Adair. Sadly, the people do not seem to understand what the term means. This is not something I would use as evidence either, yet it is. The McGill University Office for Science and Society is a well-respected scientific organization. It is one of the safest oils to use when deep frying. Greger points out, it is healthier than comparable animal derived saturated fats such as butter. S. FYI: Dr. Someone who talks about situations in which eating real bacon makes sense from a health perspective does not have a vegan agenda. After 90 days though everyone pretty much evened out. But since you feel so strongly in disagreement, I recommend you visit a different site to get the data that you think more accurately represents reality. They may however, have scavenged animals who were already dead, but they would have had to discover fire since our bodies cannot handle raw animal flesh and can barely handle it cooked. Since I changed my diet my health issues have almost completely gone away. The overwhelming scientific evidence supports the link between diet and heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, infectious disease, dementia, arthritis, constipation, inlammatory bowel disease, lupus, ms, etc, just scroll through the topics on this site. King, N. VERY BIASED info that recommends statins for health. To wash these toxic waste products out of our system our body uses a lot of water. It means that you present only part of the picture in order to skew perception in favor of the position you desire. Cancer is preventable and in some cases reversible on a whole foods plant based diet. A safe upper limit can be capped at 200 mg if one is looking to prevent heart disease. High cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. -H. Abnormal levels of LDL cholesterol or HDL cholesterol are treated with a low-fat diet, exercise, and medications such as statins. Your body needs some cholesterol, but not too much. Regarding your meat centric diet, you very well could be consuming less calories. While the policy experts work on revising recommendations, doctors and other health professionals should encourage children to spend time in active play or sports, and to consume a nutritious diet built from whole foods from plant sources to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and provide an environment conducive to. Greger enthusiastically talks about are from respected journals and merit our attention. As for protein, all whole foods are complete sources of protein so this statement to its benefits is insignificant. So I have truly been there and done that. Firstly, chickens only have lutein due to the fact that they have a varietized feed, these nutrients are not inherent of eggs. Greger thanks the two main donors (maybe they no longer donate though). To post comments or questions into our discussion board, first log into Disqus with your NutritionFacts. The information is not out of date, you are the one on the fringe who believes pseuodo science twisted by internet bloggers who think they are researchers. The number one recommendation of the World Cancer Research Fund. For anyone else watching this conversation, I need to add: It is perfectly legitimate for someone else to look at the science with as much honesty as they can and come to different conclusions than Dr. Karhu, D. Coconut oil also contains medium-chain triglycerides which may be readily used by the body for energy which is why many athletes favor it. B. It is easy to see why people believe that is true. Coconut oil is associated with a beneficial lipid profile in pre-menopausal women in the Philippines. Henderson, J.

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